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I finally got a chance to play this and I absolutely loved it! Incredible atmosphere and deeply moving.


How We Learned To Fill Our Lungs With Salt is a two page lyric game about surviving in the aftermath of a tragedy. Or maybe about being lost at sea. Or maybe about something else. A lot of room is left to interpret the text.

Lungs' layout is lovely, and uses fairly subtle elements (a few scratchy lines and a perspective just under the surface) to achieve a really strong effect.

 Mechanics-wise, it's simple and story-oriented. As a group, you share memories in bits and pieces. The framing of the game suggests that these are memories from a great tragedy, or possibly from before it, but the rules lean hard into implying the game's tone and contents without telling you outright.

If you're looking for a concrete, clear, step-by-step kind of game, Lungs might be a little frustrating. But if you're looking to Feel Things, possibly very intensely, this will definitely achieve that effect. Pick it up if you can.


A beautiful game rife with genuinely heartwarming and raw emotion. Definitely something to be played with safety tools -- but with an amazing group you will cry, smile, laugh, and hope!